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receive qmon emails and text notifications.

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qNotify is a single-page sign-in webapp permitting Novell engineers to receive qmon texts and email notifications for their appropriate queues. It has been designed to work in parallel with a configured & running instance of qmon.

qNotify is a web-application that is built on Node.js, which is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for building fast, scalable network applications. I used nodejs and a module called Express.js instead of dealing with apache, tomcat, etc. Suffice it to say, nodejs is taking over enterprise web-development for good reasons.

qNotify dependencies

I have qNotify installed on a SLES 11 SP3 server with the following dependencies:

Install Dependencies:

  1. Install & configure qmon
    qNotify depends on a running instance of qmon. It essentially passes in terminal commands to update the notification list of qmon and relies on qmon to do the actual notifying:

  2. Install git-core

    zypper in git-core

    or if the repository is missing:

    zypper ar
    zypper in git-core
  3. Install NodeJS

    zypper in nodejs-devel

    or if the repository is missing:

    zypper ar
    zypper in nodejs nodejs-devel

    Note: If needed, here are the binaries:

  4. Install npm

    curl -L | sh

Install qNotify:

  1. Clone the qNotify repository using the git clone command:
    cd /srv/www/
    git clone
  2. While in the qNotify directory, install its' dependencies with npm:
    cd qNotify
    npm install
  3. Install the rcnotify script:
    cd rc

Configure qNotify:

Run qNotify